Eileen's Gallery
Eileen at work on a painting
Before meditation, Eileen shared about two health challenges that she has been struggling with in past years. Even though she made progress in dealing with those issues, she was still not confident in herself and her achievements.
First painting reflects the state of balance gained by conquered fear.Eileen explained that blue and red balls symbolize two biggest challenges she is facing in the present moment. There are new paths emerged and need to be examined.
Following painting reflects the newly found state of power and clarity, and connection to its source. Eileen noted that the red ball that represented one of her challenges is left alone. It is still in the picture but because she fully accepted her situation, she is no longer in conflict with it. Now she is ready to focus on other things.
The third painting reflects the interaction between Eileen and other person. Her focus has now broadened from her personal issues to the people in her life. Eileen painted his figure sitting still and herself running around. At the same time she spoke about him as the one moving .When she noted the discrepancy it created a break-through in her understanding of dynamics of this relationship and true intentions of all the people in her painting.
the last two paintings are Eileen’s beautiful vision of her life and future and people in her life The color theme , technique, and composition profoundly different, thats how personal transformation is reflected in paintings .
Painting I
Painting II
Painting III
Painting IV
Painting V